Performance Evaluations

In tough economic times, police agencies are no strangers to budget tightening. It will come to no surprise, because of this enormous effect, many police agencies will not be able to fill vacancies. Yet, the public will still be asking for law enforcement to provide quality public safety services, regardless of constraints. Therefore, if we have to “do more with less”, then we should retain the best.  Furthermore, every employee should know how they are doing at work, good or bad. What better mechanism available to accomplish this mission than performance evaluations.

Performance evaluations will yield very little unless proper training be given to the rater. Most Field Training Officers, First Line and Civilian Supervisors were never officially taught the proper use of evaluations; however, this a critical responsibility of their job. In the age of lawsuits, training is essential to stave off issues that may arise during wrongful termination suits, promotions, and transfers.

Performance management can be an essential tool to maintaining a positive work environment. When used properly, evaluations can have a huge impact on morale, performance, and attitudes. It can be the single most effective tool for focusing an individual’s attention on departmental goals and expectations.

Goal of the Program

At the end of this training session, the participant will:

  • Identify 3 key performance areas
  • Learn how to prepare for performance reviews
  • Identify common errors in rating performance
  • Set goals and clarify expectations
  • See the importance, from a liability perspective, of documenting the 12 Critical Tasks
  • Learn sample phrases to document work performance
  • Learn how to rate more objectively


The Value of Performance Evaluations: Many of us are told the we have to write a performance evaluation on our employees, but have never been taught to do so. During this period, it is my hope to show police organizations that performance evaluation will not work unless there is an organizational commitment. Each employee should know how their performance is being measured.

Strengths Based Performance: Too often we capture an employees weaknesses, and, then, ask them to work harder in these areas. Studies have proven that an employee’s real success relies on identifying his o r her strengths. During the time allotted, we will reveal supporting evidence of looking at an employee’s strengths to increase productivity.

Performance Expectations: During this period, we will discuss the need to clarify expectations and how to assist the employee in goal setting. If the employee does not understand the rating criteria, then it will be difficult to gauge his or her successes or failures. Additionally, it is my hope to show the participant the value of an evaluation that mirrors the mission and vision of the organization.

Risk Management: Like most work product in written form, documentation could be subjected to legal scrutiny. We must make our ratings defensible if they are challenged. During this period, we will reveal the importance of documentation.

Performance Review: Invariably the question will arise: When do I have time to complete my employees evaluation? During this period, we will show why we can’t afford not to complete a through assessment of all our employees.

Writing the Tough Evaluation: “I don’t want people to dislike me so I am going to rate everybody the same.”  During this period, we will discuss ways to overcome this all- too-frequent rating error.

Final Steps: Before any formal appraisal is given to an employee, the rater’s supervisor should proofread for common errors. During this period, we will discuss the importance of an appeal process and your superior’s role in proofreading the evaluation.

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